Building Sustainable Communities: A Council Member’s Guide to Affordable Housing

Amplifying Voices: Compelling Messaging and Storytelling

Friday, September 20, 2024
10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Delve into the art of crafting persuasive narratives and messages to convey the significance of housing initiatives. Discover effective strategies for partnering with stakeholders across the housing ecosystem and learn how to empower community members to advocate for housing issues. Join us to enhance your communication toolkit and drive meaningful change in your community’s housing landscape.

  • Tony Winnicker, TW Communications and Strategy
  • Wilhelmenia Wilson, Healthy Black Families
  • Alina Harway, Shift the Narrative
  • Edie Irons, All Home
  • Moderator: Anu Natarajan
Register Today!

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the principles of impactful messaging and storytelling.
  • Develop strategies for collaborating with partners beyond the housing ecosystem.
  • Empower community members to become advocates for housing issues by providing tools, resources, and platforms for meaningful engagement.

Virtual Session

Seizing New Opportunities: Housing the Middle

Friday, October 18, 2024
10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Explore creative approaches to address the middle-income housing crisis. From leveraging Gentle Density and Infill Housing to embracing Manufactured Housing solutions, participants will gain practical insights to drive positive change. Join us to discover new opportunities and strategies for creating vibrant, inclusive communities through innovative housing initiatives.

  • Karen Parolek, Opticos Design
  • Wayne Chen, Housing Director
  • Issi Romem, MetroSight
  • Kevin Brown, Factory_OS
  • Moderator: Anu Natarajan
Register Today!

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify strategies for addressing middle-income housing needs.
  • Understand gentle density and infill housing concepts for efficient land use.
  • Evaluate the viability of manufactured housing in expanding affordable options.
  • Explore ideas to capitalize on emerging housing opportunities within communities.

Virtual Session

Understanding Tradeoffs: Urban Plan

Friday, November 15, 2024
10:00 am – 5:30 pm

Dive into the complexities of urban planning in this in-person event, where participants engage in role-playing to explore the intricate tradeoffs in the entitlement process and the dynamic interplay between community benefits and financial modeling.

In-Person Session
Further details to be provided separately.