Lived Experience Leads Housing in Antioch

Antioch is making residents with lived experience the priority in developing affordable housing solutions. Coming together through a Policy Grant awarded by the Partnership for the Bay’s Future (PBF), the City of Antioch, Hope Solutions, and Multi-Faith ACTION Coalition (MFAC) are working in partnership to develop two policies: leveraging unused faith-owned land to build affordable … Read more

A Path to Revitalize A North Richmond Affordable Housing Neighborhood

Las Deltas Public Housing once represented a robust public affordable housing program, making up 20% of the small, unincorporated community of North Richmond’s housing stock. But after decades of unsuccessful attempts to bring in additional financial resources, the project was decommissioned in 2020. The unfortunate result was not only that residents had to be relocated, … Read more

A Community’s Vision for Publicly Owned Land

It was a brisk October morning in downtown Richmond, when community members gathered at a vacant lot on MacDonald Ave, Richmond’s historic mainstreet, and 16th St, across from the Richmond BART station. Some of the group who live nearby mentioned that the lot had been vacant for as long as they could remember. Mostly everyone … Read more

From Being a Statistic to a Part of the Housing Solution

I can never forget that it was 2001 when I first moved to San Francisco because September 11th happened that year. It was a weird time. Like the pandemic we’re currently living through, there was a lot of fear and uncertainty. I accepted my first job after graduating college at a public affairs company and moved … Read more

Bringing COPA to the Community

I used to think I was one of only a handful people who enjoyed talking about affordable housing policy on a Friday evening. But a few weeks ago I was blown away when over 300 people came together in East San Jose to learn about San Jose’s proposed Community Opportunity to Purchase Act (COPA). SOMOS Mayfair, a … Read more